If you quit cold turkey – drink plenty of Orange Juice to help your nicotine withdrawl symptoms.
You’ll get over the irritability, anxiety, confusion and trouble concentrating and sleeping that come with nicotine withdrawal a lot faster if you drink a lot of orange juice during this time.
Why, you wonder? Here is what researchers have found.
OJ makes your urine more acidic, which also clears nicotine from your body faster, says Thomas Cooper, D.D.S., a nicotine dependency researcher and professor of oral health sciences at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
“Besides,” adds Dr. Jorenby, “the citrus taste in your mouth makes the thought of having a cigarette pretty disgusting.”
Even though OJ is high in sugar, perhaps drinking some Vitamin C rich orange juice while you are quitting smoking may give you that extra support for the time being.
what if a person has an ulcer and can’t drink citrus?