Smoke Free Women is an organization serving as a resource for women who are looking to quit smoking, as well as acting as a support system for women who have already quit.
Approximately one in five American women is a smoker. Almost 80% of them have a desire to quit.
Created by the Tobacco Control Research Branch of the National Cancer Institute, Smoke Free Women offers women and their friends and family help on achieving this goal.
Smoke Free Women: Help Quitting
The Smoke Free Women website offers many different quit-smoking resources, including:
- an online cessation guide designed by health professionals and ex-smokers;
- information database on various smoking related issues and quitting topics, such as the benefits of quitting, depression, pregnancy and smoking, second hand smoke, stress and weight concerns, and withdrawal symptoms;
- various quizzes to help gauge mental status and interpersonal relationships;
- information for numerous quit lines featuring health councilors and web resources; and
- a publications library of information on quitting, pregnancy and smoking, smoking later in life, and more.
Celebrating Smoke Free Voices
To celebrate the one year anniversary of the creation of the Smoke Free Women website, the organization established a video contest. This inspiring contest was to provide a platform for people to creatively express themselves in self-made videos that were entered in one of two categories.
The first category was open for videos focusing on the topic “Why I am a smoke free women.” Entrants were encouraged to enter videos that explained why they stay smoke free, their reasons for quitting, and what it means to be a smoke free woman.
Video Winner: Why I am a Smoke Free Woman
The second category was the topic “Why I want YOU to be smoke free,” giving friends or relatives of smokers an opportunity to share why they wanted a loved one to be smoke free.
Video Winner: Why I Want You to be Smoke Free
Smoke Free Women has helped women from across the country with their smoking cessation needs, and the videos of success from these women are truly inspirational.
Reference: Smoke Free Women []
Having a smoke-free life is truly a wonderful way to live ones life. Smokers, start today, quit smoking and add years to your lives. Replace your smoking habits with healthier ones like working out or running.